
Engineering Change Control

Manage version control and updates to bills of material (BOM) and routings while controlling effectivity dates that impact material planning, costing, and scheduling. Engineering Change Control is part of the Acumatica Manufacturing Edition.

Simplify BOM and Routing Revisions

Inaccurate bill of material and routing definitions trickle down throughout the manufacturing process negatively affecting material planning, cost analysis, and resource scheduling. Engineering Change Control (ECC) helps manufacturers to maintain control of master data in a rapidly changing world. ECC monitors the process of changing your bill of materials and routing with built-in approvals workflow to ensure compliance with current customer, vendor, and production requirements. Manufacturers with complex engineering and product release processes may be interested in the Acumatica for Arena Native Connector application for connectivity with advanced product lifecycle management (PLM) features.

Key Benefits of Engineering Change Control for your Company

  • Engineering Revisions and Engineering Change Orders

    Full control from Engineering Change Request (ECR) to Engineering Change Order (ECO) to updating the BOM. Merge multiple ECRs for the same part into a single ECO.

  • Change Requests & BOM Comparison

    Automates controls and organizes all change requests, plans, and actual changes to a BOM and routing. The BOM Comparison screen allows you to quickly see changes between ECR, ECO, and BOM.

  • Approvals Workflow & Assignment Maps

    Use Acumatica Approval and Assignment Maps to control the approval process for both requests and change orders. You can choose if approvals are required for either or both ECR and ECO.

Important Features of Engineering Change Control (ECC)

Engineering Change Requests

Manage engineering change requests by bill of material (BOM) and revision with requested dates, effective dates, requester names, priority codes, and additional information.

Engineering Change Orders

Tie multiple ECRs to a single ECO for the same item or skip the ECR process and manage changes directly from the new ECO.

Engineering Workbench

Shorten engineering cycles by creating or modifying a multi-level bill of material with drag-and-drop and copy-and-paste features from the interactive Engineering Workbench.

Security / Audit Log

Control user access to engineering change requests and engineering change order processes with database logs for changes with user identification and time stamps.

Engineering Dashboard

Gain insights into engineering and design with real-time data for engineering change orders, engineering change requests, and approval status.

Approval Process

Setup an automated process to route ECRs and ECOs internally for approval with optional delegation to other employees.

BOM Comparison

View BOM revisions side-by-side to identify changes between versions quickly.

Side Panels

Save time with manufacturing side panels providing direct access to engineering change requests and engineering change orders without leaving data entry screens.

Optional Acumatica for Arena Native Connector

Manufacturers with complex engineering and product release processes may be interested in the Acumatica for Arena Native Connector application for connectivity with advanced product lifecycle management (PLM) features.

Optional CAD Connections

Marketplace apps like CADLINK by QBUILD support CAD integration with engineering change orders to synchronize engineering changes from design applications.

See what Acumatica customers are saying

"Acumatica is literally the lifeblood of our business. There’s nothing we do that doesn’t include Acumatica."
Francis Nwabudike, President and CEO
SpaceManager Closets
"What really made [Acumatica] more appealing to us was the fact that it’s cloud-based. We had VPN service before … but it was slow and clunky, and because this is cloud-based I can work from anywhere at any time."
Jennifer Moore, Vice President of Finance

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