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How to Properly Delete a Selected Row from the Database in Acumatica
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        public SelectFrom<CustomTable01>.View FilterView;                public PXFilter<CustomFilte> Filter;        public virtual IEnumerable deleteLine(PXAdapter adapter)        {    /// Code to retrieve the PXResultset                ...


Production nbr quantity edit completed
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Hi is there any possible to edit this?i want to edit the quantity but status is completed  Thank you


Time Off - best way to track in Acumatica?
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What is the best way to record and track employee time off so that it not only flows through payroll but also onto the appointment/scheduling board?  Any options other than creating an appointment or work order and scheduling everyone through that?


Help with Freight Provider Integration & Freight Cost/Sales Price Setup
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Hi everyone,I'm looking for guidance on integrating Acumatica with freight providers (e.g., EasyPost, StarShip) and configuring freight costs and sales prices. Specifically, I need help with:1. Setting up the integration with a freight provider for r...


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"10 years in and still enjoying development on the Acumatica platform. Year after year... it keeps getting better. Learning and investing in this platform has been a pivotal point in my career and something I would recommend to anyone working on LOB (line-of-business) app development!"
Gabriel Michaud, Founder

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