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Maximizing Value: Tailored Solutions at Acumatica Summit 2024 in the Acumatica Marketplace

Acumatica Summit 2024 attendees gain incredible value from visiting the Acumatica Marketplace, and today, Acumatica’s Christian Lindberg explains why.
Christian Lindberg | January 17, 2024
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January 17, 2024

Maximizing Value: Tailored Solutions at Acumatica Summit 2024 in the Acumatica Marketplace

Christian Lindberg Christian Lindberg
Vice President, Partner Solutions at Acumatica

Maximizing Value: Tailored Solutions at Acumatica Summit 2024 in the Acumatica Marketplace


At Acumatica, we believe one of the most value-filled experiences provided by our annual Summit is the Acumatica Marketplace. Located in the Wynn Las Vegas’ Lafite and Latour ballrooms, the Marketplace hosts hundreds of Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) who are showcasing their one-of-a-kind, third-party applications that integrate seamlessly with Acumatica’s award-winning cloud ERP software, extending the solution’s already robust business management functionality.

For the 3,000+ attendees at Acumatica Summit 2024, the Acumatica Marketplace provides modern solutions tailored to their business’s unique needs. So, to ensure that every attendee—whether a customer, a prospect, a Value Added Reseller (VAR), a developer, or an analyst—maximizes the value of the Marketplace, we’re highlighting some of the great features that make this active space the heartbeat of the Summit experience.

Acumatica Marketplace: What To Expect

The Acumatica Marketplace opens its doors during the Welcome Reception on Sunday, January 28, 2024, at 6 PM PST. Attendees will enjoy a light repast while they explore the hundreds of ISV booths situated in 75,000 square feet of ballroom space. As in years past, the Acumatica booth will be conveniently located in the center spot, and the ISV booths will be grouped together based on which industry they represent, from RetailDistribution, and Manufacturing to Construction and General Business.

Acumatica experts will be on hand to answer any questions attendees may have about our award-winning cloud ERP solution and how Acumatica equips businesses with the tools, resources, and support they need to succeed. Should they be curious about any other aspects of our company and Community, team members will be happy to discuss that too.

Acumatica Marketplace: Why ISVs Return Year-After-Year

Once an Acumatica ISV has exhibited at and sponsored the Acumatica Marketplace, it’s rare to find one that doesn’t return to benefit from this great experience.

Simply put, the Marketplace affords ISVs an amazing opportunity to spend critical one-on-one time with customers and partners, sharing how their innovative applications are designed to address their specific needs, answering questions, and solving challenges. Building relationships and networking with their peers is another benefit, and it’s one that’s felt onsite as well as far into the future.

Here’s what a few returning ISVs have to say about their consistently superb Marketplace experience.

Velixo is proud to sponsor the Acumatica Summit once again. As a top performer on the Acumatica marketplace, Velixo automates reporting, budgeting and other business processes in Excel, by seamlessly integrating with Acumatica and eliminating manual tasks. This year, we are thrilled to introduce a range of innovations that leverage Acumatica and Microsoft 365, such as our AI integrations that enhance data analysis and insights using Microsoft Excel Copilot, and new embedded options within Acumatica that enhance the interactivity with Velixo. We can’t wait to show our solutions to the amazing Acumatica community at Summit! – Gabriel Michaud, Founder, Velixo

TRAILD is a deeply integrated Accounts Payable solution for Acumatica, focused on both AP efficiency and financial control. TRAILD uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to streamline and automate Accounts Payable, ensuring that every B2B payment is protected against invoice fraud, error and mistakes. We’re the newest ISV to be Fulfilled by Acumatica (FBA), thrilled to exhibit at the Acumatica Summit 2024 and can be found in the Marketplace booth 605. – Adam Leski, VP, Global Sales & Partnerships, TRAILD

As a “Fulfilled by Acumatica” partner, Netstock is delighted to return to the Acumatica Summit where you’re sure to witness many examples of AI and ML technologies. 2024 will be the breakout year for AI as it matures into a cornerstone technology for supply chain solutions. Netstock has already committed to these technologies with last year’s launch of our AI Opportunity Engine and ML forecasting, and our customers are using these on a daily basis. Netstock’s integrated solution boosts Acumatica’s core ERP functionality to help customers better plan demand, optimize their inventory levels, and improve forecasting. Be sure to visit our booth to learn how you can take advantage of Netstock’s latest AI and ML functionality. – Don Martin, VP of Channels-US, Netstock

The Marketplace at the Acumatica Summit is the ultimate manifestation of Acumatica’s robust community. We always encourage our acu-connect clients and prospects to
spend ample time walking through the Marketplace to get the vibe of the Acumatica ecosystem and a sense of its future trajectory. This year we’ll be specifically looking for
how thought leaders are extending Acumatica, making use of Machine Learning and AI. As an acu-connect board member, I am huge believer in this community. There is so
much we can and should learn from each other. In the Marketplace, you will meet other community members, have great conversations, and learn about the many integrated
solutions that can expand the reach and return of your ERP software. Of course, while you’re there, be sure visit with our acu-connect members &; fill out a Passport. You may even win casino chips! Hope to see you there! – Michael Nottoli, Treasurer & Board Member, acu-connect

Acumatica Marketplace: Where Community Comes Together

People coming together to support each other is the foundation of any thriving business, and we’re proud that as we build the future of technology, we’re laser focused on Customer satisfaction. Acumatica’s CEO John Case explains it best in his recent year-end review:

By putting our Community first, we ensure that every decision we make is centered on what businesses need to thrive in this ever-changing economic environment. We have based our approach to product development on leveraging the latest technology, developing the most innovative capabilities, and delivering those features that address our customers’ most pressing needs—driven by their direct input and feedback. This is a manifestation of a Rallying Cry that unites our company and Community of partners, developers, and customers in “Building the Future of Business, Together.”

The Acumatica Marketplace is our Rallying Cry come to life. Members have quality time to learn, network, and grow their knowledge while also creating lasting connections. And when Summit is over, they have expanded opportunities to nurture those connections within our online Acumatica Community, which features over 22,000 members, almost 14,000 topics, and more than 45,000 replies.

Join us at Acumatica Summit 2024 and at the Acumatica Marketplace to see firsthand what Acumatica can do for small and midsized businesses and to discover the powerful benefits of being part of the Acumatica Community.

Questions about the Summit can be directed to support@acumaticaevents.com and don’t forget to check out the Summit Agenda for more detailed information.

See you soon!

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