Home Blog How to Build a Custom Excel Export Process

How to Build a Custom Excel Export Process

Joe Jacob | January 8, 2023

Reviewed: Jan, 2023


There are many ways to extract data from Acumatica. You can create a generic inquiry or report for example.  Most every form in Acumatica contains a grid and has the ability to export columns of data to Excel by just clicking on the available icon on the Acumatica screen.  Often, however users may require a custom tailored export to Excel directly from a screen itself.  In this post, I will show you how to build a simple custom Excel export process and provide you some sample code to get going.


Consider the following design pattern. In our example, we will create a button on the Expense Claim screen to export some heading information and populate specific grid columns to Excel.

How to Build a Custom Excel Export Process

Desired Result:

How to Build a Custom Excel Export Process

The first step is to include PX.Export as a reference for your visual studio project as follows:

How to Build a Custom Excel Export Process

Now you will need to include the following name spaces:

public class ExpenseClaimEntry_Extension : PXGraphExtension<ExpenseClaimEntry>
        #region Event Handlers

        #region Button 
        public PXAction<EPExpenseClaim> exportGridToExcel;
        [PXUIField(DisplayName = "Export to Excel", MapEnableRights = PXCacheRights.Select)]
        [PXButton(Tooltip = "Export to Excel")]

        protected virtual void ExportGridToExcel()
EPExpenseClaimDetails details = Base.ExpenseClaimDetails.Current as EPExpenseClaimDetails;
            if (details == null) return;

            PXLongOperation.StartOperation(Base, delegate ()
                var excel = new PX.Export.Excel.Core.Package();
                var sheet = excel.Workbook.Sheets[1];

                string fileNumber = GetUniqueFileNumber();
                int headingRow = 1;
                int titleRow = 4;
                int gridRow = 5;

                // Heading Information
                sheet.Add(headingRow, 1, "Reference Number:");
                sheet.Add(headingRow, 2, Base.ExpenseClaim.Current.RefNbr);

                sheet.Add(headingRow + 1, 1, "Description:");
                sheet.Add(headingRow + 1, 2, Base.ExpenseClaim.Current.DocDesc ?? string.Empty);

                // Create Excel column titles
                // adjust column width
                sheet.SetColumnWidth(1, 20);
                sheet.SetColumnWidth(2, 20);
                sheet.SetColumnWidth(3, 40);
                sheet.SetColumnWidth(4, 40);

                sheet.Add(titleRow, 1, "Expense Date");
                sheet.Add(titleRow, 2, "Expense Item");
                sheet.Add(titleRow, 3, "Description");
                sheet.Add(titleRow, 4, "Claim Amount");

                foreach (EPExpenseClaimDetails row in Base.ExpenseClaimDetails.Select())
                    // get inventory CD for display
                    InventoryItem inventoryItem = PXSelect<InventoryItem,
                        Equal<Required<InventoryItem.inventoryID>>>>.Select(Base, row.InventoryID);

                    sheet.Add(gridRow, 1, Convert.ToString(row.ExpenseDate));
                    sheet.Add(gridRow, 2, Convert.ToString(inventoryItem?.InventoryCD ?? string.Empty));
                    sheet.Add(gridRow, 3, row.TranDesc);
                    sheet.Add(gridRow, 4, Convert.ToString(row.ClaimCuryTranAmtWithTaxes));


                using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
                    string path = String.Format("ExpenseClaimExport-{0}.xlsx", fileNumber);
                    var info = new PX.SM.FileInfo(path, null, stream.ToArray());
                    throw new PXRedirectToFileException(info, true);


        public static string GetUniqueFileNumber()
            string dTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmmssff");
            return $"{dTime}";



The code listed in above should provide enough of the basics to help you design your own custom tailored exports. This method will provide much more freedom of the layout and control of the specific data points you and your customers would like to see – instead of using the more limited export scenarios.



Blog Author

Joe is a Senior Developer at Crestwood Associates. He has been designing and building ERP related software projects for over 14 years, originally with SSYH, Inc. that is now Crestwood Associates. Joe’s background includes more than 30 years of experience in programming in various anguages. He is proficient in VB.NET, C#, and SQL Server development as well as several web-based technologies. Since Joe started his career as a Corporate Controller, he provides valuable insights when working with Clients. For the past year, Joe has aggressively embraced the Acumatica platform and framework. He now manages several projects ranging from simple customization projects to developing more client specific integrated solutions. Joe has also been a key performer in migrating Dynamics SL customizations to Acumatica for existing Crestwood Clients. This is Joe’s first year as an Acumatica Developer MVP and he looks forward to continued growth on the Acumatica platform.

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