Acumatica Virtual Developer Conference 2020

Acumatica Cloud xRP Summit 2020

Our 4th annual Virtual Developer Conference was quite the success!

Don’t worry if you missed any of the sessions — All the session videos are now posted below. Simply expand the presentation you are interested in viewing and click on the video to play!

Participation was phenomenal and growth these past few years – and this year was amazing thanks to our developer community and presenters. We were extremely pleased with the turnout and positive feedback we received thus far.

We are already thinking and reflecting on how we can make the Acumatica 2021 Virtual Developer Conference even better next year. We are never satisfied with what we do to support and provide the best content for our developer community – and with your feedback and help we get better and better year over year.

2020 Conference Sessions

To view content, simply expand each session for a brief description, presentation slides, and links to any sample code demonstrated.

9:00 am
9:10 am
Ajoy Krishnamoorthy
Ajoy Krishnamoorthy
Kick-off & Welcome

Ajoy opened this year’s DevCon, setting the stage with an overview of the agenda as well as address the myriad opportunities for developers to engage in the community at large.

Session Slides

Session Video

2020 DevCon: Welcome & Kickoff
9:10 am
10:10 am
Dhiren Chhapgar
Dhiren Chhapgar
xRP Framework Fundamentals & Best Practices

Kicking off the sessions, Dhiren covered the fundamentals of the xRP Framework and update the audience on the feature & functionality enhancements over the past year.

Session Slides

Session Video

2020 DevCon - xRP Framework Fundamentals & Best Practices
10:20 am
11:20 am
Dmitry Naumov
Dmitry Naumov
Taking Advantage of our Testing Framework & Tools to build Quality Applications

In this session, Dmitry provided attendess some sage advice on how to approach application testing and how to best leverage Unit Testing and the API Testing. We cover the Testing SDK in Patrick’s session on day two (Thursday).

Session Slides

Sample Code

Session Video

2020 DevCon - Taking Advantage of our Testing Framework & Tools to build Quality Applications
11:30 am
12:00 pm
Cesar Betances
Cesar Betances
Acumatica Mobile Framework

Cesar provides an overview of the Mobile Framework and how you can easily expose your application’s functionality for your end-users.

Session Slides

Session Video

DevCon 2020 - Acumatica Mobile Framework

2020 Virtual DevCon – Mobile Framework (Final)

12:00 pm
12:30 pm
Marco Villasenor
Marco Villasenor
Push Notifications & Webhooks: Synchronizing changes between Acumatica Instances

Marco gives an overview of Acumatica’s Push Notifications & Webhooks functionality as well as demonstrating how you can use these two technologies to synchronize changes between Acumatica instances.

Session Slides

Sample Code

Session Video

DevCon 2020 - Push Notifications & Webhooks: Synchronizing changes between Acumatica Instances
12:40 pm
1:40 pm
Sergey Nikomarov & Evgeny Afanasiev
Sergey Nikomarov & Evgeny Afanasiev
Acuminator & Other Important Developer Tools

Sergey & Evgeny provided an overview of Acuminator and other lesser known Acumatica development tools that can be used to validate and improve the coding of your Acumatica applications.

Session Slides

Session Video

DevCon 2020 - Acuminator & Other Important Developer Tools
1:50 pm
2:30 pm
Stan Lesin
Stan Lesin
Acumatica Workflow Engine​ - Notation and Usage Examples​

Stan gave us a sneak peak at our new workflow engine in our upcoming 2020R2 release due out in the fall. He will illustrate the new workflow notation in Acumatica Sales Orders as a use-case and provide coding examples.

Session Slides

Session Video

DevCon 2020 - Acumatica Workflow Engine​ - Notation and Usage Examples​
9:00 am
10:00 am
Samuel-Oliver Lavigueur
Samuel-Oliver Lavigueur
Web Services - Contract-Based REST Overview

Samuel-Olivier updated our attendees on our Web Services capabilities as well as provided the fundamental background and tools to provide integration with your applications and other third-Party applications.

Session Slides

Session Video

DevCon 2020 - Web Services - Contract-Based REST Overview
10:10 am
2:40 am
Patrick Chen
Patrick Chen
Taking Advantage of the Testing SDK

As a follow-up from Dmitry’s session, Patrick provided his insights & best practices in using the Testing SDK in his development of applications on the Acumatica xRP platform.

Session Slides

Sample Code (GIST) 1
Sample Code (GIST) 2

Session Video

DevCon 2020 - Taking Advantage of the Testing SDK
10:40 am
11:10 am
Acumatica Surveys Team Panel
Acumatica Surveys Team Panel
Acumatica Surveys Community Development Project

Our panel discusses how a our Acumatica developer community built a solution in just over 2 weeks for one of customers who wanted to survey their employees on their wellness during the COVID-19 pandemic. The entire team presented their thoughts, challenges, and deep satisfaction in building and open-source application in our panel discussion.

Session Slides

Session Video

DevCon 2020 - Acumatica Surveys Team Panel
11:20 am
12:20 pm
Sergey Marenich
Sergey Marenich
Integration: How It's Done

Sergey provided us an overview of the new Acumatica system integration framework architecture – BigCommerce and Shopify Connectors are examples. This framework is capable of handling real-time and schedule sync, tracking of the sync history – as well as code independent communication with Acumatica.

Let’s integration Acumatica with the world!

Session Slides

Session Video

DevCon 2020 - Integration:  How It's Done
12:30 pm
1:30 pm
Mike Chtchelkonogov
Mike Chtchelkonogov
Developer Roadmap

Mike Chtchelkonogov shares our plans for Acumatica’s Cloud ERP product & platform. Mike provided a review of what our engineering teams are currently working on today – as well as provide an overview of what we’ve recently made generally available, are still developing & testing, or are no longer developing. And lastly, learn more about the types of updates you can expect to find on the Acumatica Cloud Platform in the upcoming months.

Session Slides

Session Video

DevCon 2020 - Developer Roadmap

Meet the Speakers

Krishnamoorthy Ajoy
Ajoy Krishnamoorthy
Acumatica, VP, Platform & Technology; Head of Construction
Ajoy Krishnamoorthy

Ajoy has over 16-plus years of experience in the industry in technical, marketing and leadership roles. For the last 11 years, Ajoy has been at Microsoft driving business success across a wide range of product management and marketing roles, including most recently serving as Director for OEM Segment Marketing where he and his team were responsible for the go-to-market strategy across commercial and consumer audiences. In a prior role, Ajoy was part of the product management and product marketing team in Microsoft Developer Tools division.

Ajoy has co-authored half a dozen books on various MS technologies including ASP.NET and Visual Studio. Previous to working at Microsoft, Ajoy spent five years in enterprise technology consulting. Ajoy has a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering from MS University in India, Masters in Computer Science from BITS, India, and also earned his MBA from The Ohio State University.

Chhapgar Dhiren
Dhiren Chhapgar
Acumatica, Principal Software Engineer
Dhiren Chhapgar

Dhiren has over 16 years of experience in designing and developing enterprise business systems. In this role, he is working on developing Acumatica integrations with external systems, overseeing Acumatica open-source projects. He received his degree in Electrical Engineering from National Institute of Technology Surat – India.

Naumov Dmitry
Dmitry Naumov
Acumatica, Solution Architect
Dmitry Naumov

Dmitry has worked for Acumatica for the past 6 years and has experience in working with various Acumatica technology areas – from developing various features in Financials to web services APIs. Currently, he is working directly with ISV partners to improve their applications on the Acumatica platform.

Chtchelkonogov Mike
Mike Chtchelkonogov
Acumatica, Founder & Chief Technology Officer
Mike Chtchelkonogov

Mike has more than 16 years of experience in software project management, ERP software design and implementation. He was Director of Engineering for Parallels, the leading provider of desktop virtualization, OS containers, and control panel software. He was responsible for the development of Parallels Business Automation line of products. Prior to joining Parallels, Mike was the CTO of SWsoft consulting division, responsible for the implementation of custom ERP solutions and providing customer support.

He received a Master of Science degree (1996) in Applied Mathematics from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology.

Marenich Sergey
Sergey Marenich
Acumatica, Commerce Edition Team Lead & Architect
Sergey Marenich

Sergey has worked for Acumatica 13 years – eight working as a system developer and the remaining time as a technical expert & consultant. As a developer, he specializes in C# with deep expertise in Microsoft development technologies. He spends his time in the field, sharing his development knowledge as a consulting and customer relationship manager.

Franks Mark
Mark Franks
Acumatica, Platform Evangelist
Mark Franks

As a Platform Evangelist, Mark is responsible for showing people the specifics about what makes Acumatica’s Cloud Development Platform wonderfully attractive to ISV & Partners. He’s also passionate about Running, Latin, and his family.

Lesin Stan
Stan Lesin
Acumatica, Developer
Stan Lesin

Stan has over 8 years of experience in designing and developing enterprise business systems. He spends his time looking for new ways to improve the development experience of those who use Acumatica Framework. As a C# developer, he has solid experience in designing friendly and convenient code APIs that help developers to concentrate on actual problems they solve using those APIs.

Villasenor Marco
Marco Villasenor
Interastar, CTO
Marco Villasenor

Marco is Co-Founder and CTO of Interastar, a technology company that helps businesses streamline their operations and accelerate growth by providing powerful integrations with Acumatica and other cloud technologies. He leads the Technology Solutions team, which built SynteghLS—a heavily integrated Acumatica ERP module for leasing companies—and the electronic invoicing and accounting modules required by companies in Mexico.

As a specialist in systems integration and collaboration applications, Marco has developed a knack for innovative solutions from emerging technology and is thrilled with the growing availability of microservices, APIs, and connected devices. He encourages his colleagues to continue learning about new tools and share their knowledge.


Chen Patrick
Patrick Chen
SPS Commerce, Lead Developer
Patrick Chen

Patrick is the lead developer for SPS Commerce Fulfillment for Acumatica powered by MAPADOC. He is a fully certified Acumatica Developer and has been working with the product since 2013. He has over 14 years developing custom software in the ERP industry.

Betances Cesar
Cesar Betances
Acumatica, Software Developer
Cesar Betances

Cesar has worked for Acumatica for almost 4 years now and has built many Customization Projects of different magnitudes involving many Acumatica modules. Currently, he is a member of the Development Support team that helps Partners/ISV partners to work with their Customizations and their integrations using Acumatica’s framework.”

Lavigueur Samuel-Oliver
Samuel-Oliver Lavigueur
Acumatica, Software Developer
Samuel-Oliver Lavigueur

Samuel works with Acumatica’s VAR & ISV developers, assisting them in building robust solutions in a variety of vertical and horizontal markets. He received his degree in computer engineering from the University of Sherbrooke.

Afanasiev Evgeny
Evgeny Afanasiev
Acumatica, Technical Account Manager
Evgeny Afanasiev

Technical Account Manager at Acumatica. Evgeny strives to augment our ISV partners technical capacity through guidance and mutual collaboration, ensuring that our customers have modern, high- quality solutions to employ.

Nikomarov Sergey
Sergey Nikomarov
Acumatica, System Developer
Sergey Nikomarov
Sergey joined Acumatica in 2017 and started as an application developer on the OEM team, where he did a lot of Acumatica Framework development – along with doing several customizations.  An example is a large customization for automated budget control for Censof, an OEM partner.  In 2019, he joined the Platform Development team as a system developer.  And most recently, Sergey is responsible for Acuminator and our RVT  development and maintenance.  Participating in a number of internal Acumatica hackathons, Sergey was part of the winning team – along with Vladimir Panchenko – that created Acuminator.  In a subsequent hackathon, his team extended it further in developing the Code Map with some other improvements to Acuminator.
Sarjapur Harsha
Harsha Sarjapur
InfoSourcing Inc, President
Harsha Sarjapur

Hackathon winning team.  Harsha is a very strong supporter of the Acumatica Community, as a blogger and is a key member of the Acumatica Surveys community project published on GitHub.  Having the combination of developer skills and business savvy, he provides his customers  with excellent customized solutions for his customers, exceeding expectations.

Harsha’s passion not just limited to the ERP space.  During his free time, he enjoys playing & organizing golf events, hiking nearby trails, campaigning – as a means to get away from the office keep a healthy work/life balance.  He’s always on a lookout to discover and cook new dishes.  Most recently, Harsha started to practice gardening during COVID lockdown.  Further, he enjoys music and is known to have few dance moves.

Waite Robert
Robert Waite
APS Payments, Lead Developer
Robert Waite

Robert’s passion for programming started in the 4th grade doing projects on the Apple IIe. Roberts’s earliest experience working in the ERP arena began in 2003 by automating distribution tasks on a green screen application called PICK. From that point, he got commissioned to replace that system with Sage 100. Since then has carved out a living writing custom vertical application to Sage 100 as well as various ERP systems. Robert’s landed an opportunity with APS, which is a REPAY company. His role at APS is in ERP integration is the Lead developer for Acumatica integration products.

Outside of programming, Roberts’s favorite past-time is partner dancing. West Coast Swing, Hustle, Salsa, are among many other styles of dance he favors. In what little time he has left, you will find him soldering together racing drones and IoT home automation projects. Robert volunteers his time at a local high school maker space and has taught classes on programming Arduinos and other IoT development boards like the raspberry pi. IoT will likely be a significant theme in Robert’s future blog contributions to the Acumatica developer community.

Hardgrove Chris
Chris Hardgrove
NexTec, Developer
Chris Hardgrove

At university, Chris pursued 3 years of accounting studies until the laboratory instructor showed him MAS 90.  After seeing how accounting could work in conjunction with computer systems, he changed his degree to information systems.  This lead to Chris to his first professional position with a major health care company and he used that experience in tailoring early versions of SAGE, along with SQL server, to produce KPIs and custom forms for the key decision makers.

He was introduced to the world of Dynamics, but Acumatica came knocking in 2012.  In those early years for Acumatica, he received “countless” one-on-one instruction from “the” Mikhail Chtchelkonogov via Skype, learning all about the Acumatica and the xRP Development Framework.

Zaletskyy Yuriy
Yuriy Zaletskyy
Kensium, Technical Lead
Yuriy Zaletskyy

Yuriy started programming in 2003 using C++ and FoxPro then switching to .Net in 2006. Beginning in 2013, he has been actively developing applications using the Acumatica xRP Framework, developing solutions for many clients over the years. He has a personal blog, aptly named Yuriy Zaletskyy’s Blog, where he has been documenting programming issues he’s run into over the past six years – sharing his observations and solutions freely with other Acumatica developers.